1. Ask your employer to direct deposit a predetermined percentage of your paycheck into a savings account every payday. Or set up a regular automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account.
2. Just paid off your car loan? Great! Continue making those payments to an emergency fund.
3. Just got a raise? Awesome! Increase your contributions to your retirement plan rather than using that money for discretionary spending.
4. Ask yourself what you might be willing to give up. Do you really need 20 different sports channels? Could you bring your lunch rather than eating out? Even small changes can have a big impact over time.
5. Take advantage of tax-deferred accumulation vehicles, such as IRAs, annuities and 401(k) plans. Your money can accumulate faster if your earnings grow without being subject to income taxes.
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MaxProvider® flexible premium deferred annuity
Modern Woodmen of America’s MaxProvider® is a safe way to accumulate retirement savings that can last your lifetime. This flexible premium deferred annuity helps reduce retirement planning uncertainty by eliminating the risk of market volatility and making sure your money is there when you need it – whenever that may be.